The field has 432 has and it is located in Pampa del Leoncito, San Juan Province, Argentina. It is located on Calingasta Department, at 220 Km from San Juan Capital City, it can be accessed from the North by Barreal Locality, at only 20 Km; Access can also be reached by South from Uspallata Locality in Mendoza Province, at 90 Km. In both cases routes are paved. Located at only 230 km of San Juan City by National Route 149.
- Total surface of Pampa del Leoncito is a plain, free of vegetation and any obstacle, its surface is 1.158 Has.
- Electric Energy: in all its extension goes Electric Line of 13,2 Kv.
- There is a mixt generation Project to leverage dual primary energy to provide water to irrigate and Potable 7 x 24 hs.
- It can be built in concatenate steps of immediate application regarding existing resources and/or built with future agreements.
- According to evaluation of Environment Impact. • Financial-Economical Analysis adjusted to every part.
- Analysis of financial fonts.
- Property. More than 1.000 Hectares dedicated to this Project.
- Renewable Dual Energy Project, in the concept of “political opportunity”, Benefits at Provincial, National and Private level. It is developed on the Objectives: Project Socio-Economical Benefit. Also develops “Methodological Innovation”, Building in parts and the reasons of this methodology.
There are 3D videos of all possible real-state and touristic developments (they can be shown at request)) that include: Restaurant/Candy Store with view to Pampa del Leoncito Luxury Resort, country houses neighborhoods and Club house hotels with pool, sport fields and golf fields, Fine grapes vineyards and Wine Cellar Boutique, Eolic and Photovoltaic Energy Generation, Landing trail, Grocery Store, supermarkets, Adventure Sports offering, carriages with sails, trekking, paragliding, views to touristic zones near and horse riding. Intensive exploitation of astronomical tourism, due to the proximity with five astronomical observatories nationals and internationals. AVENTURA Zone attracts thousands of local and international travelers. The area is a magnet for adventure-tourism.
Potential for touristic developments with international level.
Abundant aquifers under earth. Geophysical studies confirm the presence of an aquifer plenty of under-earth water. It is a warrant for high level agro-industrial developments, as vineyards with exclusive grapes, wine cellar boutique and any other undertaking of intensive agriculture.